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Check out what's going on at St. Monica!
News & Events


Adoration &
Praise and Worship

Come join Fr. Jason and others in the parish on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 4pm for an hour of Eucharistic adoration, praise and worship in our beautiful church! We will worship in song, reflect on Scripture and pray, as we take this extra time to be with Jesus. All ages are welcome and encouraged to come encounter the Lord as we continue in this year of Eucharistic Revival of the parish!


Contact Jen Havard at for questions.

Second Sundays at 4pm


Christmas Eve Children's Choir!

Sign up now!

Greetings parents!
We are fast approaching that time of year when all the children of St. Monica come unto Him and worship the newborn king! Every year we have a beautiful Christmas Play before the 4:30 Mass, with music provided by the children of our parish. Your child is warmly invited to sing in this year’s Christmas Eve choir!

CLICK HERE for a sign up form, or email Jessica Roberts.

First Saturday Devotions

First Saturday of each month

Please join us in church for First Saturday Devotions on September 7. Among the several important requests made by Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 to honor God's wishes, one of the most urgent was for the faithful to gather for "Communions of Reparation" to her Immaculate Heart for the sake of salvation of souls and world peace.


We gather at 7:30am to pray the Rosary, attend 8:15am Mass, and meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary during Adoration and Confessions at 9am. A breakfast of cereal, muffins, coffee & juice will be available after 8:15am Mass in Columbus Hall. Please join us for fellowship!

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