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Liturgical Ministers
Called to serve at the altar of God?
Become a Liturgical Minister and assist with the preparation and celebration of liturgies.
Roles include: Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors, Liturgy Prep Team (Sacristan),
Music Ministers, and Ushers.
Assist the priest as he celebrates the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Boys and girls (grade 3 and above) provide assistance at all regular Masses, Holy Days, funerals, and Sacraments. Altar servers help prepare for the liturgy and serve during the liturgy, giving glory to God. Servers are expected to arrive thirty minutes prior to each liturgy for preparation and prayer. A server retreat and special trainings are held periodically throughout the year. Servers are called upon to assist at various times for weddings and funerals, as needed.
Get involved! Talk to Father about joining his "army" of altar servers. Volunteer to be on-call for special liturgies. Offer your assistance in training new altar servers. Call the parish office at 574.255.2247, or reach out to Father to express your interest in becoming an altar server.
Assist the priest in distributing the Most Precious Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful at weekend Masses and special liturgies. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are devoted to the Real Presence of Jesus - Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity - in the Eucharist. They come to the liturgy with eyes and hearts fixed on our Eucharistic Lord as they help distribute Him to the congregation in Holy Communion. Extraordinary Ministers gather briefly for prayer prior to all weekend Masses and Holy Days. Communication and scheduling are conducted online and through e-mail.
Get involved! Call the parish office to speak with a member of the St. Monica team about the possibility of serving as a regular Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Offer to serve as an Extraordinary Minister on Holy Days.
Reach out to the parish office at 574.255.2247 to express your interest in serving as an Extraordinary Minister and to discuss scheduling.
Proclaim the Word of God in the liturgy, drawing hearts to contemplate God's message of love to us in Holy Scripture. Lectors proclaim the Old Testament, Psalm and Gospel Acclamation (daily Mass), and New Testament readings at Mass.
Assist the congregation, lifting their hearts in prayer during the Mass, other special liturgies, and seasonal concerts. The St. Monica Choir and Chant Schola rehearse and shares sacred music that deepens the congregation's experience of the liturgy. The choir contributes greatly to the liturgical beauty of Sunday Masses, Holy Day liturgies, and special opportunities for reflection throughout the year. Cantors lead the congregation in sung worship, and instrumentalists add to the richness of liturgical music.
Learn more about how to get involved in music ministry.
Personally welcome parishioners and guests to the liturgy. Provide seating assistance at all weekend and Holy Day Masses, collect contributions during the offertory, and coordinate the reception of Holy Communion.
Ushers are needed at all Masses (4:30pm on Saturday; 7:00am, 8:30am, and 10:30am on Sunday; and Holy Days). Email is used for scheduling and communications, and meetings are scheduled as needed.
Get involved! Volunteer as an usher during your preferred Mass time.
Offer to serve as an usher on Holy Days. Reach out to Sam Gaglio to join the team or request more information at 574.277.5469.

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